Border Angels August 18th Water Drop

It's the Border Angels August 18th Water Drop   from 7a-4p

Due to high demand and very high temperatures, we are limiting registration to 60 participants, PLEASE RSVP ONLY IF YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING. PLEASE ONLY RSVP if you are bringing water to the desert, this is CRITICAL to the completion of our mission! We have had many no shows recently, we count on these numbers to get water to the desert!

*IMPORTANT* it will be HOT in the desert. It will be at least in the 110s with real feel temperatures reaching up to 120F, please plan and prepare accordingly.

*IMPORTANT* RSVP is a two part process, you will receive a confirmation email with another link to complete registration, confirmation emails will go out on Friday August 10th, 2018.

Each person attending must RSVP individually with their own email address. Duplicate registrations to "save spaces" are not fair or allowed and will be DELETED.

The first 60 volunteers to RSVP will be given a spot, there IS a waiting list and spots do free up!

Before considering whether or not to sign up, please know the following:

The event will be held August 18th and last from 645am to 4pm. Check in begins at 645am, we will begin introductions at 7am at our office in San Diego, head to the desert, leave the desert at 2pm, and be back in San Diego by 4pm.

We will not be crossing the border in Mexico.

You are expected to bring your own water to drop in the desert, 1-2 gallons that you will be carrying, we will provide additional details in your confirmation email

IT WILL BE HOT: desert temperatures are regularly around 115F currently, with some humidity and lack of shade the real feel temperature is easily 120F, we will provide follow up information for how to prepare but please only sign up if you are prepared to hike in hot weather

IMPORTANT: during the event, you must have legal ID on you and proof of immigration status. If you have a visa or green card, you must have proof of that status as well as valid ID to participate. If you are a citizen, you must have valid ID on you (i.e. driver's license. For immigration safety reasons, those on DACA and others without legal status are advised to not participate. We pass through at least one border patrol checkpoint with possibly uninformed and/or poorly trained Border Patrol agents, so we must exercise an abundance of caution. If you are a minor, you must attend with a parent or guardian, and they must sign and turn in your volunteer waiver. You must also have valid ID like a driver's license, or school ID AND birth certificate on you at all times.

We will have 4 routes of varying degrees of difficulty. For beginners the routes will be flatter and through dry river beds, the advanced routes will involve some bouldering and/or long distances and carrying gallon(s) in a backpack is highly recommended

There is risk of being stuck with painful cactus needles and bites from poisonous animals. The likelihood of the latter is low, but still a possibility. It will be hot out there. Keep in mind, the temperature and lack of shade could present health difficulties for those sensitive to heat and sun exposure. We will have safety monitors equipped with umbrellas and electrolytes, but that can only do so much for those with a low tolerance. For those that are sensitive, we advise you not to attend. We also advise those with serious health problems not to attend, and those recovering from surgery. Please use your best judgement when deciding whether or not to sign up. If you are unclear, please consult your physician.

For any questions or comments, please email Jacqueline Arellano at

Thank you.

For more information, or to make a donation, please visit

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