He Walked Across America For Our Military Veterans

He walked over 3,300 Miles in 4 Months for our Military Veterans!

I met a hero on Labor Day here in San Diego. His name is William Shuttleworth. He's a 71 (soon to be 72) year old Air Force Veteran. If there was a photo in the dictionary under AMERICAN, it should be this man. He loves our country, but he's a bit pissed off at it for allowing our VETERANS to be forgotten. He walked across the country to raise awareness that we have a problem taking care of the men and women who sacrificed their lives for all of us. He walked from the east coast all the way to San Diego in 4 months. I had the honor of speaking to him for a few minutes. That conversation along with photos from his Facebook page are right here. Listen to his reason for doing this. Listen to how far he walked every day. God bless William Shuttleworth. Tommy Sablan

Photos courtesy of William Shuttleworth

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