It's Sound the Alarm in San Marcos!

Sound The Alarm San Marcos                                                                

The American Red Cross is asking people to volunteer their time and help save lives at one of our upcoming Sound the Alarm home fire safety and smoke alarm installation events.  Sound the Alarm is a part of the nationwide Red Cross Home Fire Campaign to help reduce the number of deaths and injuries from home fires. Since the Home Fire Campaign began in 2014, more than 380 lives have been saved by smoke alarms installed by the Red Cross and our partners and more than 1.1 million FREE smoke alarms have been installed throughout the United States.  Last year, our local Red Cross responded to 339 incidents across San Diego & Imperial Counties and American Samoa – and 76% of those emergencies were home fires. Working smoke alarms in a home cut the risk of death by half, and having an escape plan further improves the odds of survival.  By volunteering with the Red Cross, you can truly make a difference in someone’s life.  You can join us at one of our upcoming events. Roll up your sleeves and help us Sound the Alarm to save lives! Sign up as an individual or with a group:  Please help spread the word about this life-saving, rewarding and fun event –share this event with friends, co-workers and potential community partners or let us know if you have someone who we should contact.  Thank you for your support – with your help, we can #EndHomeFires! 


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