Lions, Tigers, and Bears damaged in terrible rain storms and they need HELP

Hi friends...Bobbi from LTB and I talked and their magnificent sanctuary for animals was badly damaged in the high winds and rain. They need culverts installed, mud cleaning, excavators, flooring and so much more. Bobbi and team have dedicated their lives to undo man's damage to exotic pets rescued from owners, circuses, roadside zoos and more. They count on donations to keep this magnificent place going providing "sanctuary" to these animals.

We will need to rent heavy machinery to help re-grade the property and remove excess mud. In addition, we will need to purchase piping and hire an excavator and operator to install it underground throughout the property to help drain and remove the build up of water. All of these efforts quickly add up. Your support on any level will help us ensure we are back up and running in no time.

Thank you so much for your support and compassion for our sanctuary and the animals that call Lions Tigers & Bears home. We could not continue this critical work without the kind generosity of people like youBobbi writes...

The powerful storm system that has swept across our region, has taken a toll on our sanctuary grounds - and made a HUGE mess in its wake. 

Fortunately, all of our animals are safely contained in their lock-downs and safety 'bedrooms.' However, the rest of the property is not so fortunate. 

Our barn - which includes our gift shop and surgery room - has flooded, 

and our downstairs office and volunteer area have take on water too. 

In addition, every habitat pool on the property has flooded over, and has been mixed with mud, meaning our pool filters and pumps are clogged, and cannot be used - or the high levels of sediment will break them.

A major clean-up effort is in store, as soon as this storm passes. We are asking for your support to help us with this unforeseen expense.

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