Longtime KGB Listener Defies The Odds And Walks Again!

Longtime KGB Listener Defies The Odds And Walks Again!

This story will inspire you. This story will make you a believer that the human spirit can create miracles. This is the story of big time KGB listener, EDDY KING! Eddy suffered a spinal cord injury from a mountain bike accident. He was told he wasn't going to be able to walk on his own again. BUT Eddy wanted to prove everyone wrong and worked on taking a step on his own. Then a couple of steps. Then more steps. THEN, he actually went back on his bike and is riding regularly. I believe it's a miracle. Check out these video to inspire you. Eddy is a 1970's and 1980's BMX legend from Chula Vista. Watch the videos.

The story of Eddy King and defying the odds!

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