Sky Show 44 Live Broadcast [PHOTOS & VIDEOS]
See photos and videos from our live broadcast at #SkyShow44! You'll see Shoot in Your Suit, The Marriage Game, and Bromo doing Rocketman 2! #DSC1015KGB
Kitty With Phallic Facial Markings up For Adoption [PHOTOS]
A cat up for adoption has some folks thinking twice because of her markings. Her name is Daisy and she's a ragdoll cat who is described as "very easy going" and loving nothing more than "snuggling on anything warm." She's also described as having some "unfortunate facial markings." #DSC1015KGB
Airline Passengers Surprised By Miniature Horse [PHOTOS & VIDEO]
Onboard an American Airlines flight from Chicago to Omaha, passengers shared the skies with a woman and her unique service animal: a 135-pound miniature horse named Flirty. #DSC1015KGB