Her Father is a Vietnam Hero and M.I.A. and This is Her Story

This is from Joanne Soucy Rivera. She's a longtime 101.5 KGB listener that grew up in Chula Vista, California. This is what Memorial Day means to her.

May 23, 1967 is when the black car pulled up to our house on Orlando Ct. in Chula Vista to tell my mom that my dad was MIA. He was never found. I was three. Ron was five, and Laura was one. Thankfully he chose an amazing woman to be the mother of his children. My mom, only 26 at that time, found her strength through God and raised her very young children. She took us to Ft. Rosecrans many times over the years. He isn’t there, but it is so nice to have a place to honor him. I wish Jonathan could’ve been there today with us. He had to work. This weekend while you are gathering with friends and family, please tell your kids what Memorial Day is really about, and raise a glass to our heroes. Clink!

Photos courtesy of Joanne Soucy Rivera ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

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