Lotto Dreams & Church Made of Dead Bodies [DSC BACKWASH]
The Mega Millions Jackpot is getting ginormous so we daydreamed about where we'd travel if we hit it big, Chainsaw gave us tips on hiding booze in your coffee cup, Ruth admits she traded sexual favors for house hold gadgets, and hear what it was like when a member of the show went to a church...
DSC 10.16 - Donald Daters, Toddler Scare, Paul Allen Shreds [PODCAST]
The DSC Show podcast for Tuesday 10/16/18: Donald Daters, Toddler Scare, Paul Allen Shreds and more! Listen to the podcast here.
Barney Catch U Wearing My Clothes [DSC Joke of The Day]
This isn't your run-of-the-mill funny jokes podcast - this is next level! Featuring a cast of characters, and highly produced storytelling, DSC's Joke of the Day is reminiscent of old time radio, except a lot more funny and slightly inappropriate. Listen once and you'll be hooked!