The DSC Show for Friday 3/15/19: Boyer Kissing Chainsaw's Ass, How Gross Are You, Criminal Music and more!
Listen to the podcast below.
Dave loves to fantasize about Boyer fantasizing about Senator Elizabeth Warren wearing lingerie and garter belts and leather and super hoochy.
Sarah is such a nervous flyer. She’ll vomit as quietly as possible, but she has to make friends with the passenger next to her if she’s stuck flying alone. Dave has to see video of this. Emily is thinking of traveling alone on their girls trip.
You Bet Your Ass! They talked about KISSING the ass of their opponent as punishment. Chainsaw, Boyer and Sarah refused. Sarah came around when Dave offered a picture of Britney Spears over Emily’s butt! Chainsaw is a maybe, but Boyer is the real hold out.
“Soul Kissing Cookies Fudge Pipe” is Dave’s new band.
14 year old Eliot is the new Spelling Bee Champ in San Diego County. He won with the word voiturette. He heads to DC for the next round.
Phil Mickelson says he used the same crook that got busted this week in the college cheating scandal, to help guide his family through the college admission process. But he did nothing wrong. Good to know.
Lori Loughlin got fired from the Hallmark Channel. Her daughter Olivia also got fired from Sephora and her makeup brand removed from shelves. Both daughters are dropping out of USC. They don’t want to get bullied.
Hall of Famer Dennis Rodman isn’t impressed with sensitive NBA players like Russell Westbrook. He calls them “tampon wearers.”
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Yesterday we heard about a doctor who said we should all be picking our nose and EATING it to help boost our immune systems. So the question is, how gross are you in general?
1. Have you ever picked your nose as an adult? 86% said yes. They didn't ask how many people have eaten what they found up there.
2. Do you ever pop your zits? 86% said they do.
3. Have you ever smelled an article of clothing to see if you could get away with wearing it again? 86% said yes.
4. Do you ever blow your nose, then inspect the tissue? 84% of us do it.
5. Are you ever too tired to brush your teeth before bed? 82% said yes.
6. Do you ever pee in the shower? 80% of us do.
7. Have you ever eaten food that fell on the floor? 79% said they have.
8. Have you ever gone a month without changing your sheets? 68% have.
9. Do you ever not wash your hands after using the bathroom at home? 67% said yes.
10. Have you ever clogged a toilet? 67% said yes. (Everyone else is a liar.)
Ruthie and Chainsaw scored a perfect 10! Sarah and Emily got 9, while Boyer and Dave scored 8.
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$5 Quiz; Name is your buzzer; Criminal Based Songs
- The Night Chicago Died - Paper Lace
- Wanted Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi
- Hey Joe - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
- I Fought the Law - The Clash
- Folsom Prison Blue - Johnny Cash
- Rocky Racoon - The Beatles
- Gimme Three Steps - Lynyrd Skynyrd
- Breaking the Law - Judas Priest
- The Nights the Lights Went Out in GA - Vicki Lawrence
- Janie’s Got a Gun - Aerosmith
- Been Caught Stealing - Jane’s Addiction
- Steal my Sunshine - Len
- I Don’t like Mondays - The Boomtown Rats
- Criminal - Britney Spears
- Mr. Brightside - The Killers
- Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
- Jailbreak - Thin Lizzy
- Heartbreaker (Do Do Do Do Do) - Rolling Stones
- **********Boyer wins********** Two game winning streak*******
$5 Quiz Standings:
- Ruthie - last place, batting 120, - $60
- Boyer - 4th place
- Chainsaw -3rd place
- Sarah - second place
- Emily - first place!!
Backwash podcast quiz:
A: Who regularly steals fuzzy water from restaurants?
Q: Emily
You can listen to the latest episode of our Backwash podcast here.
We have a one question quiz every Wed and Fri about the Backwash, so please stay tuned.
Photo by KGB/iHeartMedia
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