The Crew's Use of CBD... and NOT The Medicinal Kind! [DSC PODCAST]
A listener asks us who on the show uses CBD and in what forms? Somehow, we start off addressing our medicinal uses for it, but it doesn't take long until we veer off into a completely different and "inappropriate" meaning of C and B and D!
DSC 11.27 - Bathroom Talk, Styx Tour w Larry The Cable Guy, Boyer vs Team
The DSC Show podcast for Tuesday, 11/27/18: Boyer vs The Team, Bathroom Talk, Styx Touring with Larry The Cable Guy and more! Listen to the podcast here.
Comb Your Hair, Put Your Teeth In [DSC Joke of The Day]
This isn't your run-of-the-mill funny jokes podcast - this is next level! Featuring a cast of characters, and highly produced storytelling, DSC's Joke of the Day is reminiscent of old-time radio, except a lot more funny and slightly inappropriate.