Double $5 Quiz!! One game and two chances to win!
Name is your buzzer for the Songs from Disney movies and before that we have to name the #1 Disney song of all time.
- Under the Sea - Little Mermaid
- Almost There - Princess and the Frog
- Be Prepared - Lion King
- Poor Unfortunate Souls - Little Mermaid
- Bare Necessities - Jungle Book
- Someday my Prince Will Come - Snow White
- I won’t Say - Hercules
- I’ll make a man out of you - Mulan
- Why should I worry - Oliver & Co
- Cruella DeVille - 101 Dalmatians
- Reflections - Mulan
- Colors of the Wind - Pocahontas
- Trivia: What year did Disneyland open - 1955
- I just can't wait to be King - Lion King
- Eye to eye - Goofy Movie
- Trivia - name 2 of the 4 mountains at Disneyland: Splash, Matterhorn
- Let It Go - Frozen
- Ruth’s pick - Can you feel the love tonight - Lion King
- Beauty and the Beast - Beauty and the Beast
- Whole New World - Aladdin
- Sarah’s pick - Part of Your World - Little Mermaid
- Boyer and Chainsaw chose - When You Wish Upon a Star
- Emily - Circle of Life - Lion King
- #1 When you Wish Upon a Star - Pinocchio
- *******CHAINSAW WINS BOTH GAMES *********
$5 Quiz Standings says Commissioner John Tipps:
- Ruth - last place
- Emily - 4th place
- Chainsaw - 3rd place only two games back
- Boyer - 2nd place, only one game back
- Sarah - first place!!
Photo by KGB/iheartmedia
Game suggestions to win our four-pack of tickets to Disneyland:
- Baby Talk
- Beat the bandits
- Drive through restaurant, yell your order until they say - you don't have to yell
- Nastiest girl contest
- 90s movie quiz
- Disney movie songs - that's the one he choose today
- Comic book test in memory of Stan Lee
- Play "Mom, I Got a Tattoo."
- Summer School, or Boyer vs. The Team
- Baby Talk
- Spousal Arousal
- Joke Czar
Did you know we are cataloguing ALL of our past Joke's of the Day into one podcast area?! Yes, it's true and here's today's entry.
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Here are some of the things we learned we learned today.
Today is Colt’s first day of school! Emily is teary eyed because she’s missing this huge experience. She laid out his clothes with an outfit that matches, a cute pair of Nike’s, a shirt that says, "powered by fun," and left a love note in his lunchbox, although he can’t read yet. His pic is posted above.
Dave told us the message left in Boyer’s lunch box from his Mom on his first day of school read, “You are a rude, terrible person.” And it was in the voice of the Trump puppet.
Ruthie admitted she once lapped at the armpits of a lover on his request. She said it's not for everyone, but it's good to try new things at times. Plus, it's a great feeling when they really, really like it! The entire crew was grossed out and not having it.
Chris Boyer, The Death Czar said yes to NASCAR legend, David Pearson. The 83 year old was the second greatest of all time (after Richard Petty) and he's been accepted into the Celebrity Death Hall of Fame. The Death Czar also said yes to the legendary, Stan Lee. And no to Douglas Rain, who voiced HAL the computer voice on "2001: A Space Odyssey." But Dave happily accepted him into purgatory.
Ruthie admitted to having a bit of a shopping addiction problem. Says she's sending back a ton of stuff today. Says she can handle it. It'll be different this time. Wait, what?
Dave to Boyer: Are you using a Scrotum Filler? There’s a new trend where people with testicles are injecting the same stuff we use to fill in the wrinkles on our face. What the bloody hell??
Mr. Fudge Mittens = Clint’s new name
Photos by Getty Images and KGB/iheartmedia
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Do you dip your French fries in your chocolate shake?
- Sarah - will try it
- Emily - yes
- Boyer - no
- Cook - no but might try it
- Dave - yes
Who makes the best French Fries? Dave says Crinkle cut fries at Del Taco and Sarah agrees!
Photos by Getty Images
If you missed any of today's show from Tues. 11-13-18, you can catch up here in its entirety on KGB.