DSC Show - Tuesday, October 23

Here's what we learned today:

Tonight's lotto jackpot fever is up to $1.6 Billion - the highest ever! They didn't round up that number like they did last time.  Dave hates rounding up - except with his grade point average.

The World Series begins today at Fenway Park in Boston with the Red Sox vs. LA Dodgers for game one on Fox at 5pm! (Sox won 3 times, LA Dodgers never)

Former San Diego Charger Doug Flutie is 56 today! He starred in our 2004 movie, "The JK Conspiracy.”   

An ASNR was reported today when Dave said Boyer is classy because he "finishes" with his pinky up! In case you forgot or didn't know, an ASNR is an Acute Spontaneous Nasal Reflux, which means laughing your beverage out your nose. And that my friend, is the mission statement of our show every day.

Actress, Kristen Bell is taking a dump on Prince Charming for kissing a sleeping beauty. No consent while sleeping. That led to a long conversation about consent and power and changing fairy tales.  

Would you rather be in a permanent coma or be awakened by a kiss from a stranger? Doy!

Dave is crazy about this rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner!  See it here.

Billy Idol in the news today because he's being sued for ghosting. A woman says he agreed to see her at a Meet and Greet in Vegas and spend the night with him afterwards. She had no money because she thought Billy would take care of everything. She’s suing him for travel expenses and wants her concert ticket reimbursed plus damages for emotional distress. Read the story.

What’s the greatest Rush song of them all? We listened to the following songs and then voted for FLY BY NIGHT!

  • Closer to the Heart
  • New World Man
  • Free Will
  • Fly by Night
  • Spirit of Radio
  • Limelight
  • Tom Sawyer 

$5 Quiz from DJ Johnny Rocks. Songs to easily bring up a movie image when played. Tell Dave the name of the song, the movie, and who performs it.

Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel, "Say Anything"

Huey Lewis and the News, Power of Love, "Back to the future

Stuck in the Middle With You, Steelers Wheel, "Reservoir Dogs"

As Time Goes By, "Casablanca," Dooley Wilson

Born To Be Wild, Steppen Wolf, "Easy Rider"

Elton John, Tiny Dancer, "Almost Famous"

Take My Breath Away, Berlin, "Top Gun"

What Is Love, Haddaway, "Night at the Roxybury"

Happy, Pharrell, "Despicable Me"

Chuck Berry, You Never Can Tell, "Pulp Fiction"

Relax, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, "Zoolander"

Layla, Derek and the Dominos, "Good Fellows"

Banana Song (Day oh) by Harry Belefonte, "Beetle Juice"

Marvin Hamlisch, The Entertainer, "The Sting"

These Boots Are Made For Walking, Nancy Sinatra, "Full Metal Jacket"

Bob Seger, Old Time Rock and Roll, "Risky Business"

Tom Petty, American Girl, "Silence of the Lambs"

Asia, Heat of the Moment, "40 Year Old Virgin"

**********Ruth wins***************

Here is today's full show with our free ON DEMAND podcast.  Enjoy!

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