DSC 12.13 - Changing Families' Lives w Rady Children's, Christmas Spirit
The DSC Show podcast for Thursday, 12/13/18: Rady Children's Has Changed The Life of Many Families, Giveathon, Christmas Spirit & Traditions and more!
The Return Of Shelly Dunn [DSC PODCAST]
Shelly Dunn stops by on her 60th Birthday and we catch up with what's new (and old!) in life and on the other side of retirement! Check out the latest uncensored podcast episode of "DSC: The Backwash!"
Eileen, She's Outside with Bob [DSC Joke of The Day]
This isn't your run-of-the-mill funny jokes podcast - this is next level! Featuring a cast of characters, and highly produced storytelling, DSC's Joke of the Day is reminiscent of old-time radio, except a lot more funny and slightly inappropriate.