The DSC Show for Thursday 4/18/19: Ass Waxing, Hats Off To Your Bowels, Most Influential People and more!
Listen to the podcast below.
Gronk took the Lombardi trophy and used it as a bat with Julian Edelman pitching. He bunted it and created a dent on it. It’s in the Patriots trophy case. Read the whole story here.
The Time magazine Most Influential People of the Year issue is out. It's quite a controversial list. Check it out here.
The LA Chargers will be wearing powder blue uniforms at all of the home games next year. Do you approve or not? Listeners on our Facebook page were up in arms about it.
Sarah's oldest child, Shane is doing a fundraiser for his school. He’s collecting pledges for a walk-a-thon he’s planning to do on Friday. Sarah hates it that he has to go door-to-door to beg for money. But she also doesn’t want to be that Mom at work who's bugging co-workers to buy their kids' crap. Dave says why not just give them the money? Listener’s say it teaches kids social skills.
“Hats Off to Your Bowels” is the name of Dave’s new band. Listen to today's podcast at the exchange between Dave and Clint at the end of our show (10:10 - 10:20 am) to learn where this name came from.
Ron Burgundy and Sam the Cooking Guy will be guests on Friday's show. Plus, an online Easter Egg Hunt on our website with HUGE prizes starts at 6AM! By huge I mean, Disneyland passes and free tickets to see Paul McCartney at Petco Park.
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Actor Jason Momoa shaved off his big beard!
But he did it for "honorable" reasons. See what he has to say for himself in the video below. Like it or not? The girls on our crew LOVE him without it.
It's Thursday, so we played a round of, You Bet Your Ass game on KGB!
Team Tom Tom - Chainsaw gets the wax, while Emily gives clues.
Team Brit Brit - Sarah gets the wax, while Boyer gives the clues.
Michelle Mendoza from Bella Buns is our esthetician today doing the ass waxing. You can find her here.
- Name Boyer catch phrases. Sarah had to name 7, but she only named one. She gets 7 strips of wax on her ass. Team Brit gets first strike. 1-0
- Name #1 Beatle songs. Chainsaw had to name 8 and he did! Sarah gets 8 strips of hot wax on her ass. Team Brit gets another strike. 2-0.
- #1 hit songs by Taylor Swift. Sarah has to name 6 and she couldn’t so she gets 6 strips of wax and the third strike for Team Brit Brit - they lose, while Team Tom Tom gets shut out 3-0.
P. S. Taylor Swift only has five #1 songs, so Sarah was set up to fail! Thanks a lot, Boyer.
Chainsaw got left out of the hot wax, much to his chagrin! But Team Tom Tom now has a record of 8-3. You won't want to miss next week's challenge when Boyer brings in his dog to lick peanut butter off their butts!
Photo by KGB/iHeartMedia
Dave hates that he paid attention to the woman who saw Jesus in the flames at Notre Dame.
It’s even out lined and circled so you can't miss seeing it. He’s says it’s stupid. But 'Inside Edition' did a story explaining the whole thing and you can watch it below.