Eric Johnson 2022 Treasure Tour | San Diego Concerts

Grammy winning guitarist, vocalist and multi-instrumentalist…Eric Johnson…is performing live at the House of Blues on February 26, 2022.

The 2022 Treasure Tour will feature some previously un-released gems, new songs and older favorites. See Eric Johnson live on February 26th. Tickets available at

Texas...Eric Johnson has been traveling on a prolific odyssey over the course of more than four decades. Along the way, his creations have encompassed repertoire that cross pollinate genres which include rock, blues, jazz, fusion, soul, folk, new-age, classical and even country. Inevitably, E.J. says it best himself in sharing, “It really boils down to the music and the song at the end of the day,” he explains. “If it doesn’t have that it gets boring for me. The most important thing for me is to grow musically and make a more expansive and meaningful artistic statement with every new project.”

Throughout his career, Johnson has approached music as a healing force, a way to enhance a listener’s consciousness, and conjure joy and inspiration. More than a year into the Pandemic, and because of the Pandemic, he reflects that this approach has become reinforced and more enhanced.

The 2022 Treasure Tour will feature some of the previously un-released gems, some new songs, and some older favorites. His band will include Tom Brechtlein on drums, and Roscoe Beck on bass.

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