The DSC Show for Tuesday 5/21/19: Gender Swap, Sex & Sounding, No Girl Skirts, Who's The Messiest? and more!
Listen to the podcast below.
We played with SnapChat filters this morning so you need to go here to see our crew in a Gender Swap! We held voting for the hottest during our show today and Mrs. Chris Boyer picked up the win.
Congrats to Sammy Hagar who has his first top ten album since going solo!
One last thing …. all the criticism about Game of Thrones; the petition to reshoot the whole last season, people saying it was too rushed, people saying the ending sucked ... Dave says It’s not very gracious of those fans who loved the show and dedicated ten years to getting hooked on watching it. He says it deserves better than to go out with so much criticism. Dave thinks those complainers are just mad their show is over. He makes a good point.
Girls won’t be allowed to wear skirts anymore at one private Catholic school in San Diego. The new dress code will be capri pants, bermuda shorts and skorts. Girls are outraged about this change and plan to pass a petition and protest. You can find out more about his here.
Who wants to see David Lee Roth in Vegas? Get details here.
Ciara (Mrs. Russel Wilson) is going to Harvard Business Entertainment, Media and Sports program that will last three whole days. Check out her gigantic rock here.
Sounding seems to be popular among millennial women! 13 women our listener had sex with had a small sounding kit they carried with them and wanted to try it on him! It’s like catheterizing.
Dad called the cops on a robbery of his daughters Girl Scout money worth $700. Turns out - he spent the cash on a hooker for an “erotic massage.” Details here.
Dan Aykroyd believes in aliens and says they want to reproduce with humans. Read more about it here.
Photos by Getty Images
Top 10 signs of a Messy Person:
- Leaving dirty dishes in the sink
- Having a dirty toilet
- Having an overflowing trash can
- Leaving clothes on the floor
- Having a dirty shower
- Having a messy car
- Having spoiled food in the fridge
- Having a smelly fridge
- Having papers everywhere
- Toothpaste clumps in your sink
Here's how our crew ranked:
- Dave - 2
- Chain - 3
- Ruth - 7
- Sarah -7
- Emily - 7
- Boyer - 8
Photos by Getty Images
$5 Quiz: Boyer vs The Team; Listener Cody playing for KGB Sky Show tix!
Category: Famous George’s
Question: What did George Washington die of?
Team Answer: He had a sore throat and the doctor bled him and it killed him
Boyer Answer: Pneumonia
Score: Boyer 17.5 Team: 1 Neither: 11 Total: 16
Photo by KGB/iHeartMedia