The High Cost of Love [DSC Joke of The Day]
This isn't your run-of-the-mill funny jokes podcast - this is next level! Featuring a cast of characters, and highly produced storytelling, DSC's Joke of the Day is reminiscent of old-time radio, except a lot more funny and slightly inappropriate.
DSC 2.27 - Hot Nanny, Laughing Out Your Nose, Boyer Sings, Neverland Ranch
The DSC Show for Wednesday 2/27/19: Hot Nanny, Laughing Out Your Nose, Boyer Sings, Neverland Ranch and more! read articles and listen to the podcast here.
Office Work Party & Dr. Watson Karaoke [DSC PODCAST]
Check out the latest uncensored podcast episode of "DSC: The Backwash!" Chainsaw showed up to the office work party channeling a certain straight-laced celebrity and while Emily tries her best to get Boyer to shake his booty, Dr. Watson suddenly pops in for a round of "Get Down Tonight" karaoke!