Man Spends $15,700 On Lifelike Dog Costume So He Can Turn Into Animal VIDEO

A Japanese man made his lifelong dream of transitioning into an animal come true by having a realistic border collie costume made. Toko commissioned the costume through Zeppet, a company that specialized in sculptures and models for movies, theme parks and commercials. The costume required several fitting and revisions, and reportedly took 40 days to complete.

Toko told the new organization Mynavi that he chose the border collie, because its long hair helps "mislead the human figure." Toko also said that the collie is his favorite breed of dog,"

A representative from Zeppet explained the that costume was difficult to make because the dog and human skeletons are so different. “In addition, we collect photographs taken from various angles so that the beautiful coat of the collie can be reproduced and devised so that the coat will flow naturally.”

In the video below you can see Toko in the finished costume.

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