Coe's List

Coe's List

Want to know more about Coe's List? Find out more on KGB-FM!Full Bio


A Fellow KGBER Needs Our Help

Dear Coe, 

Thank you for all your help with 'Coe's List'!  I don't know if anyone can help me today or tomorrow but thought I'd ask. The window on the driver's side of my car was smashed/broken yesterday while parked in front of my house (just moved in - renting a room in Clairemont). It's around $160 to replace & my deductible is $500...& I'm living on a fixed income w/no $ to spare. My Mom moved in w/me 5+ yrs ago - she has Alzheimer's. Unfortunately, I couldn't care for her as she got worse. She is in a Skilled Care Home now & I want/need to visit her every other day or so. Until I can get the window replaced - I don't think it's legal to drive w/plastic on my driver's window.

It's hard to ask for help but if there is anyone out there that can - it would mean so much to me!

 You are one fantastic person! Among all the amazing things you have done & are doing - your compassion & caring for animals is so close to my heart. Thank you so much! I've always taken care of animals - among other things, in the last 10+ years I've been in the position to be able to take in & foster rescue dogs.Hit by an airport shuttle van in 1996, I'm still healing from assorted complications after surgery for a ruptured disc - including nerve damage, muscular damage & vascular damage & I lost the feeling in my left leg - all the doctors said I would never get the feeling back...but after 11yrs of hard work - PT, exercises @ home & walking, etc., I finally got the feeling back! Our bodies are amazing healers! Still have probs w/my leg & knees & unable to work (& can't wear any type of heels 😶 ) but I have 2 legs! And I WILL get better!Thanks again for all you do!


Kay Wallen

If you can help out Kay or know some one who can email her at or me at
