KGB Mornings with Sarah & Clint

KGB Mornings with Sarah & Clint

101.5 KGB is helping San Diego start their mornings with Clint August and Sarah Beebe. Wake up and enjoy lots of laughs and your favorite Classic Rock.


WATCH Man Saves Dog From Beefed UP Kangaroo!

A man in Australia was forced to fight a beefed up kangaroo that was holding his dog hostage in the water! 

The beatdown took place between the 'roo and Mildura resident Mick Moloney ... who took a swing at the animal, and got knocked in return -- his camera took a tumble into the water, but his dog was safe from the scary situation.

Mick was walking along a river when he noticed one of his dogs was missing, then he noticed a kangaroo staring at him in the river, then his dog came up from the water, yelping as water gushed out of its mouth and the kangaroo had him in a headlock.

He went straight up to the kangaroo in the water and bitch slapped him which caused him to release his grip on the dog, only to get bitch slapped back by the kangaroo which stopped and stared at him again - so he splashed water in his face and bolted to the shore where his dog was safe.

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