Marc 'The Cope' Coppola

Marc 'The Cope' Coppola

Marc "The Cope" Coppola is a native New Yorker who can be heard on a station near you!


RIP At 75 Multi Talented Greg Kihn, Singer-Songwriter, Disc Jockey & Author

Greg Kihn, who had major hits with, "The Breakup Song (They Don't Write 'Em)" and "Jeopardy," has passed at the age of 75.

A renaissance man who could do just about anything. He was also a disc jockey and author who wrote 6 novels and several short stories. When he had spare time he raised rare praying mantises. (Interesting hobby, they make great pets until you see the female eat the male after mating.)

Before all the hits, I had heard him the first time with a song I used to play in earlier progressive rock days called, "Understander" from his album, "Next Of Kihn." I putting it up here to give you a taste of his talent. -Cope

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